SEA (Search Engine Advertising) &
Online Advertising


SEA - Search Engine Advertising

SEA refers to paid advertising on search engines like Google. We develop customised SEA strategies to place your ads in front of potential customers in a targeted manner. Through continuous optimisation and targeted keyword research, we ensure that your ads are prominently displayed for relevant search queries. With our expertise in SEA, we maximise your visibility, increase traffic to your website and boost your conversion rates.

We rely on open and transparent communication that enables honest cooperation on equal terms.
Illustration Aufmerksamkeit Konzept SEA

Online Advertising

Compared to traditional advertising, online advertising offers several advantages. It allows for a more targeted audience, as advertisements can be targeted to specific demographic characteristics, interests or user behaviour. It also offers a wider reach, as the internet is accessible worldwide. We can accurately measure and analyse the performance of  your online advertising campaigns to monitor and adjust success.

Online advertising refers to the use of digital channels and platforms to promote products, services or brands over the internet. It includes various forms of advertising such as banner ads, video ads, social media advertising, search engine marketing (SEM) and much more.

We offer comprehensive online advertising solutions to effectively promote your business online. With customised campaigns and creative concepts, we reach your target group on various platforms and increase your brand awareness.


Performance Marketing​

With performance marketing approaches, we maximise the efficiency of your advertising spend and ensure an optimal conversion rate. Our expertise in marketing SEM enables us to create targeted campaigns on various platforms such as Google Ads, Bing Ads and social media to precisely address your target group. We use state-of-the-art tools and analytics to measure and continuously optimise the success of your campaigns.

We and our partners ensure that your advertising spend is used optimally and that you achieve a maximum conversion rate.

Illustration Online Statistik Performance Marketing

SEA (Search Engine Advertising) refers to paid advertising on search engines, while SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) focuses on optimising your website for organic search results. SEA provides immediate visibility and control over ad placement, while SEO aims to achieve better organic search engine placement in the long term.

SEA enables targeted placement of ads in front of potential customers based on relevant search queries. It offers instant visibility, quick results and the ability to analyse and adjust ad performance. With SEA, you can effectively reach your target audience and increase your conversion rates.

SEA can be a valuable complement to other online marketing activities such as SEO, social media marketing and content marketing. It can be targeted to achieve specific campaign goals, drive traffic to your website and increase your brand awareness. A holistic online marketing strategy takes into account different channels and uses the advantages of SEA to achieve optimal results.

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